Disaster Training of Trainers (Day V)

Medan, November 4 2023 – After receiving materials on disaster management in the previous days, the training finally invited all participants to implement the materials received in the Participant-Led Session (PLS). This session was the moment when the participants were invited to practice directly how to become a trainer or expert in disaster management. All participants were divided into 12 groups and given different topics for each group according to the material they had received.

In this session, the creativity of the participants was explored more deeply and they were invited to be more dynamic and contextual in the delivery of the material. This is so that participants can be responsive and nimble in their efforts to implement the material in their respective churches. All participants have their own ways and uniqueness. So that in this session, the knowledge is growing and diverse. and also brings deeper cooperation.

On the same day, after all the participants had finished their presentations, the Disaster Management Training of Trainers was officially concluded with a closing worship service. The joy and togetherness in this training process brought new hope for the preparation and readiness of each church in the face of disasters.

This training is not the end of the process. Rather, it is a new starting point or even a starting gate for all participants and all KN-LWF member churches to further develop disaster management in the midst of the Indonesian context. This moment is a good start to be more vigilant in every existing ministry. Our responsiveness will be determined by how prepared we are.