Southeast Asia Diaconal Workshop 2023 (Day I)

Parapat, October 24, 2023 – The Southeast Asia Diaconal Workshop 2023 began with a powerful Opening Worship ceremony, creating an atmosphere of unity and spiritual reflection from 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM. In partnership with The Lutheran World Federation, this event, with 62 out of 96 participants present and more on their way, showcases diverse demographics. The evening commenced with Holy Communion, setting a spiritually charged tone. Reverend Dr. Humala Lumbantobing emphasized unity, stating, “We are from different backgrounds, but we are one in Christ. This Diaconal workshop represents our unity.”
Reverend Katariina Kiilunen delivered a keynote address, highlighting the theme, “Transforming Hearts, Inspiring Change: One Body, One Spirit, One Hope.” She stressed its significance in today’s world marred by injustice and discrimination, stating, “The church must embody a vision of unity, bearing witness to God’s love for all, regardless of differences.” Kiilunen continued, “The world urgently needs the gospel of justification, God’s grace that empowers us to love our neighbors and all of God’s creation. We embark on this journey to live the gospel in diverse contexts.”
The Southeast Asia Diaconal Workshop 2023 spans three days, offering training sessions aligning with the theme, “Transforming Hearts, Inspiring Change: One Body, One Spirit, One Hope.” It aims to cultivate faith, unity, and hope, fostering positive change in Southeast Asia and beyond. This diverse participant group reflects a shared commitment to making a difference and offering hope for a better future in our ever-evolving world. Stay tuned for more updates as the Southeast Asia Diaconal Workshop 2023 continues to inspire and empower attendees as catalysts for transformation in their communities and beyond.

After having an Opening Worship ceremony, The Southeast Asia Diaconal Workshop 2023 Continued with their first of nine sessions during the event. The first session titled “What Does It Mean to be a Diaconal Church? A Diaconal Church in the Southeast Asian Context”, presented by Rev. Prof. Binsar Pakpahan, Ph.D. There were 120 participants attends this session
Rev. Prof. Binsar Pakpahan, Ph.D. started his session with a reminder that the world is not doing well, then proceeded to explain the history of diaconia and how participants as Christians could help to make the world a better place by asking the participant to reflect on what is the sole purpose of taking part in diaconia work, Starting by questioning what is the role of the church and who is the main actor of diakonia. During his session, he also started a discussion with a question, saying ”What is the end goal of diakonia: to fight against structural injustice (transformative) or to help the poor (caritative)?”.
When it comes to the question and answer part of his session, Rev. Prof. Binsar Pakpahan, Ph.D using the story about how Jesus fed five thousand people, that was on Reverend Katariina Kiilunen’s speech. He reminds the participants that doing diakonia work is not about fame, stating,”are you willing to help others in humility like the kid who brings bread and fish -unnoticed?”. Pakpahan continued, “when it comes to doing diakonia work, do not be distracted by other things like popularity or spending so much money on the meeting before doing the diakonia instead of actually spending it on the diakonia work.”
The first session titled “What Does It Mean to be a Diaconal Church? A Diaconal Church in the Southeast Asian Context” aims to remind every participant to the importance of diakonia as a means to change society. The seminar discussed the significance of Diaconia in addressing pressing global issues, empowering minorities, promoting conviviality, and utilizing technology. It emphasized the need for strong leadership, support from the church, and a focus on impactful actions. The purpose of Diaconia is to work towards the greater good and the kingdom, transcending differences between church and country.